ich.app - Mein digitales Ich

by PSA Payment Services Austria GmbH



Identify securely. With the ich.app you confirm who you are. Directly in the digital environment on your smartphone and without detours. Confirm that you are a real person.Simply log in: Use the ich.app to log in to different providers. Without a multitude of different passwords. Only with your email address and your ich.app. Register effortlessly online: save time without effort and without manual typing, register with the ich.app. Typos and filling out forms are a thing of the past. With the ich.app you always have your personal data at hand and always in view. The ich.app gives you a transparent overview of who you share your data with at all times. To activate, you need an account at a participating bank and your mobile banking or ID Austria. If you want to confirm who you are safely, quickly and effortlessly, then install the ich.app!